EV charging hubs: user and technical design requirements

Determining user behavioural needs and regulatory and technical requirements for public electric vehicle charging hubs that incorporate solar PV and battery storage.


  • Innovate UK project to identify technical, planning and grid connection requirements for public electric vehicle charging hubs incorporating battery storage, solar PV
  • Determine the behavioural requirements of EV drivers and advise how they should impact the design of the EV charging Hubs
  • Advise on the social benefits and revenue generating opportunities for charging hubs in neighbourhood and commercial centre locations

We identified the planning, technical, health and safety and grid connection requirements for solar carport charging hubs as part of a number of Innovate UK projects. Our reports have identified over 100 regulations, standards, certifications and codes relevant to charging hub component technologies (charging points, battery storage, solar PV) and electricity network connection.

Using detailed semi-structured interview techniques, we identified quantified and qualified key user  needs, concerns and behavioural requirements of EV drivers and key charging hub stakeholders (local authorities, parking operators, distribution network operators and the general public). We provided recommendations to the project teams to drive design of shopping centre, leisure centre, park and ride and residential charging hub destinations.